***Gran Habano Cigars go by the name Gran Honduras in Canada***
The Gran Honduras Connecticut Robusto is a balanced blend of mild to medium-bodied Nicaraguan long fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and an aromatic Connecticut wrapper. This smoke is very smooth and creamy, toasted, and loaded with flavours. This is one cigar that shows a mild smoke does not have to be bland. Size: Robusto 5 x 52. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Wrapper: Connecticut
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Nicaraguan
About Gran Habano Cigars
Tobacco farmers and cigar makers Guillermo and George Rico believe in patience. Building their business slowly and steadily through careful exposure of their cigars to the marketplace, Gran Habano’s hallmark is attention to detail and a high reliance on strict quality control in traditional tabaquero fashion.
The Rico family history in tobacco stretches back to 1920, when Guillermo Rico’s grandfather began growing dark tobacco in Colombia and his father then continued the tradition. Guillermo recalls following him around the fields as a child and his mother rolling cigars at home. In 1998, Guillermo Rico established his factory in Danli, Honduras, later becoming the birthplace of Gran Habano premium cigars and the quintessential Gran Habano look. That legacy continues today in Gran Habano with a strong sense of family tradition embedded into every cigar made.
In 2003, the staple Gran Habano family of handmade cigars were introduced to resounding success by the father and son team. These long-filler cigars became the core of the company brand with three distinct blends: the Connecticut No. 1, a mild but rich cigar with a Connecticut shade wrapper; the Habano No. 3, a medium-bodied cigar in Habano wrapper; and the Corojo No. 5, a peppery full-bodied cigar in a Corojo wrapper. Consistency has always been insisted with these expert blends, which continue to be their best-selling cigars.
The legacy of making cigars at Gran Habano continues to be a family affair. Established in Miami, Florida, Guillermo and George Rico strive for quality in every leaf and cigar in production. Honesty and passion are what compel them to make great cigars, married with a sense of originality being the signature of their company.
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