Buy any Davidoff Cigar sized robusto or larger, and get a Davidoff Special R Anniversario Robusto for only a NICKEL!
Some interesting history; Zino Davidoff ran a tobacco specialist shop in Geneva, Switzerland, from 1936 to 1994 and was known as the “King Of Cigars”, he introduced a level a level of service excellence and cigar connoisseurship that had formerly been unheard of. His expertise and welcoming character attracted the VIPs of his time. Elvis Presley, Jean-Paul Belmondo and Ursula Andress were among his clients and trusted in his impeccable taste.
Zino Davidoff also created the world’s first climate controlled walk-in-humidor in the basement of his boutique to mimic the climate conditions of the Caribbean and ensure the superiority of his offerings. Later he invented the desktop-humidor with a self-regulating humidifier so his clients could enjoy their cigars perfectly at home.When you light a Davidoff cigar you set aglow the richest tradition of cigar making in the world. You release craftsmanship which could only be achieved by our investment in that most precious of commodities: time. Every cigar has five centuries of the cigar maker’s art folded into its elegant form.