Back in 1989, Kaizad Hansotia had a vision to revive a legendary cigar brand steeped in tradition and history. Gurkha cigars, renowned for their artisanal craftsmanship, were reborn under his leadership, just as the cigar industry was on the brink of a major boom.
Recognizing the need for super-premium cigars that exuded elegance and sophistication, Hansotia set out to create a new standard of luxury in the cigar world. With ornate packaging and a dedication to quality, Gurkha became synonymous with exclusivity and indulgence.
Today, Gurkha offers a cigar for every palate and budget, but it’s their commitment to luxury that sets them apart. From the moment you light up, you’re transported to a world of refinement and sophistication, where each puff is a celebration of the finer things in life.
Join us at Victory Cigars to indulge in the exquisite taste and luxury of Gurkha Cigars.
Indulge your senses with cigars like the Royal Challenge Maduro, Gurkha Silver Ghost, Gurkha Asura, and more. It’s a rare opportunity to try these exceptional cigars in the company of fellow aficionados and enthusiasts.
Don’t miss out on this fantastic event to expand your cigar palate and discover new favorites. Plus, the hut will be open for those who wish to partake in the camaraderie and relaxation of the cigar community.
Join us at Victory Cigars for an afternoon of great cigars, good company, and memorable experiences. We’ll see you there!