Kristoff Cigars is a brand internationally recognized for its exceptional quality since it’s inception in 2004 – driven by the passion of founder Glen Case. More than just a cigar company, Kristoff strives to connect cigar enthusiasts and keep the passion for this time-honored tradition alive. Their commitment is evident in their meticulous selection of only the finest double and triple-fermented premium tobaccos from around the world, expertly blended to satisfy even the most discerning aficionado.
Kristoff’s dedication goes beyond the ingredients. Their passion for cigars is an art form, reflected in their adoption of the centuries-old entubar method. This technique creates densely packed cigars that allow for optimal airflow between the leaves, delivering a richer and more flavourful smoking experience. Every Kristoff cigar undergoes individual draw testing to ensure perfect construction, guaranteeing a smooth and enjoyable smoke every time. With Kristoff, you’re not just buying a cigar, you’re indulging in a legacy of passion and quality. Join us at this exclusive upcoming Kristoff event at Victory to meet with Jarrid, Executive VP at Kristoff Cigars.
Calling all Kristoff cigar enthusiasts! Join us for an exclusive meet and greet with Jarrid Trudeau, Executive VP of Kristoff Cigars. This is your chance to rub elbows with the man behind some of the world’s most celebrated smokes!
Mark your calendars and join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating the legacy of Kristoff cigars.