July 7, 2015 – It takes a lot of drive and determination to open a cigar manufacturing business, especially when you live over 3000 km from Nicaragua.  But that’s exactly what two Canadians, Markus Raty and Cam Heaps, managed to achieve.  Even more impressive, they located their company in Granada, a Nicaraguan city that had never been the site of a cigar factory.  Their hard work and perseverance paid off and their company, Mombacho SA is now making cigars for the world.  Listen as Markus relates how he and his business partner made the journey happen.

Canadian Cigar Scene is a live show providing educational information to Canadian cigar connoisseurs. Broadcast every Tuesday from 6:45-7:15pm EST, the show is available on Internet radio; go to www.RealityRadio101.com to listen.  Hosts Julian and Kevin own Victory Cigars, a retail cigar store located in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.  For more information about Victory Cigars visit www.VictoryCigars.ca; for upcoming broadcasts go to www.CigarScene.ca

Got an idea for a show topic or guest?  Or do you have a cigar event in Canada you’d like mentioned? Email the hosts at radio@victorycigars.ca  Or call toll-free during store hours at 1-855-443-0194