Whether it is Germany or the United States, there is no surprise why the Epic Maduro cigar has gained a popular following worldwide.
The beautiful dark and shiny Brazilian Arapiraca tobacco wrapper and its fine mix of select long filler tobaccos from The Dominican Republic and Nicaragua combined with Cameroon binders that aims to satisfy you with such a bold and consistent draw of rich distinct flavours without any overwhelming strength. The cigar was rated 92 points by Comes in a presentation tube. Medium strength. Size: 6 1/2 x 52. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Wrapper: Brazilian Arapiraca
- Binder: Cameroon
- Filler: Dominican & Nicaraguan
About Epic Cigars
Dean Parsons, a seasoned entrepreneur with a passion for excellence, has made significant strides in the cigar industry through his company, Epic Cigars. Founded in 2010, Epic Cigars has become synonymous with quality, craftsmanship, and an unwavering commitment to the art of cigar-making.
Before diving into the world of premium cigars, Dean Parsons had a diverse career. After playing hockey in his youth, Dean spent some time working as a police officer in Labrador, Canada. Originally from Newfoundland, Parsons spent over 15 years in real estate and international sales. His work took him around the globe, exposing him to various cultures and industries. However, it was during a visit to the Dominican Republic that Parsons found his true calling.
Parsons was captivated by the Dominican Republic’s rich cigar culture. The island is home to some of the world’s most renowned tobacco fields and has a deep-rooted tradition of cigar craftsmanship. This experience ignited Parsons’ passion for cigars, leading him to immerse himself in the industry. He spent several years learning about tobacco, blending, and the intricacies of cigar production, all while developing relationships with experienced cigar makers in the region.
In 2010, Parsons founded Epic Cigars with the vision of creating premium cigars that would stand out in a competitive market. The name “Epic” was chosen to represent the exceptional experience that Parsons wanted to deliver to cigar enthusiasts worldwide. His goal was to produce cigars that not only met but exceeded the expectations of discerning smokers.
Epic Cigars’ early success was built on its dedication to quality and the meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of production. Parsons personally oversees the selection of the finest tobaccos, which are sourced from top growers in the Dominican Republic and other renowned regions. These tobaccos are then aged to perfection, ensuring a rich and balanced flavor profile in each cigar.
One of the hallmarks of Epic Cigars is its diverse range of blends, each offering a unique smoking experience. The company’s flagship line, the Epic Maduro, is celebrated for its deep, robust flavors and flawless construction. This cigar features a dark, oily Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, which is complemented by a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. The result is a full-bodied smoke with notes of chocolate, coffee, and spice.
Another standout is the Epic Corojo, which showcases a Honduran Corojo wrapper and a mix of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers. This blend delivers a medium to full-bodied experience with a perfect balance of sweetness and spice, making it a favorite among connoisseurs.
In addition to these, Epic Cigars offers other lines such as the Epic Habano, Epic La Rubia, and Epic Project E, each crafted to cater to different palates and preferences.
Under Parsons’ leadership, Epic Cigars has grown from a small boutique brand to a respected name in the cigar industry. The company has expanded its distribution network, making its products available in cigar shops across the United States, Canada, Europe, and beyond. Despite this growth, Epic Cigars remains committed to its core values of quality, craftsmanship, and customer satisfaction.
Parsons’ entrepreneurial spirit and passion for cigars have earned him recognition within the industry. He continues to be actively involved in every aspect of the business, from blending new cigars to engaging with customers at cigar events and trade shows.
Dean Parsons and Epic Cigars represent the epitome of dedication to the craft of cigar-making. With a focus on quality, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to delivering an “epic” experience to smokers, Epic Cigars has carved out a distinct niche in the world of premium cigars. As the company continues to grow, it remains true to its founder’s vision of creating exceptional cigars that are truly epic in every sense of the word.
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