Whiskey Row Robusto by Diesel Cigars


Diesel Cigars Whiskey Row Robusto uses a process that imparts a flawless amount of Rabbit Hole Bourbon flavour and aroma into the tobacco.



Diesel Cigars Whiskey Row Robusto is a unique cigar. A bold collaboration between Rabbit Hole Distillery and master cigar blender A.J. Fernandez, Diesel Whiskey Row is a first for Diesel as well as A.J., perfecting a process that imparts a flawless amount of Rabbit Hole Bourbon flavour and aroma into the tobacco.

This medium-bodied cigar comes draped in a five-year-aged Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that thoughtfully cloaks the bourbon barrel-aged Mexican San Andres binder and Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos from the regions of Ometepe, Jalapa, and Condega. After a quick cut and light, your senses will be met with strong notes of oak that are beautifully offset by hints of bourbon, spice, subtle sweetness, and a floral finish. Simply put, if you’re into whiskey and cigars, the buck stops at Diesel Whiskey Row. Medium-Full flavour profile. Size: Robusto 5 ½ x 52. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.

  • Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
  • Binder: Mexican
  • Filler: Nicaraguan

About Diesel Cigars

Diesel cigars are a celebrated brand in the world of premium cigars, known for their robust flavours, impeccable craftsmanship, and the rich history behind each blend. Established by the renowned cigar maker A.J. Fernandez, Diesel cigars have rapidly gained a loyal following among aficionados worldwide.

The story of Diesel cigars is deeply intertwined with the legacy of A.J. Fernandez, a third-generation cigar maker hailing from Cuba. A.J. Fernandez’s family has been involved in the cigar industry for over a century, and his expertise and passion for the craft are evident in every Diesel cigar produced. The brand’s name, “Diesel,” is a nod to the powerful and robust nature of the cigars. Just like a diesel engine, these cigars are built to deliver a strong and consistent performance, making them a favorite among seasoned cigar enthusiasts.

One of the defining features of Diesel cigars is the exceptional quality of their blends. A.J. Fernandez meticulously selects and blends tobaccos from various regions, including Nicaragua, Ecuador, and Honduras, to create a unique and flavourful smoking experience. The Diesel cigar lineup offers a diverse range of blends to cater to different preferences. Whether you prefer a full-bodied cigar with intense flavours or a milder, more nuanced smoke, there is a Diesel cigar for you. Some of the most popular blends include the Diesel Unlimited, Diesel Whiskey Row, and Diesel Hair of the Dog, each offering a distinct flavour profile that showcases the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation.

Another hallmark of Diesel cigars is the impeccable craftsmanship that goes into each cigar. A.J. Fernandez and his team of skilled torcedores (cigar rollers) are dedicated to ensuring that every cigar is rolled to perfection, using only the finest tobacco leaves and adhering to traditional Cuban cigar-making techniques. The attention to detail in the construction of Diesel cigars results in a flawless draw, even burn, and a rich, satisfying smoking experience. Each cigar is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence and the art of cigar making.

Since its inception, Diesel cigars have garnered numerous accolades and awards, solidifying their reputation as one of the top brands in the industry. The brand’s success can be attributed to its unwavering dedication to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. In addition to their core lineup of premium cigars, Diesel has also introduced limited edition and special release cigars that have quickly become collector’s items among enthusiasts. These special releases often feature unique blends and innovative packaging, making them highly sought after by aficionados and collectors alike.

Diesel cigars represent the epitome of quality, craftsmanship, and innovation in the world of premium cigars. With their exceptional blends, impeccable construction, and rich heritage, Diesel cigars have earned their place among the elite brands in the industry. Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or new to the world of premium cigars, Diesel offers a diverse range of options to suit every palate. Each Diesel cigar is a true work of art, meticulously crafted to deliver a rich and unforgettable smoking experience.

In a world where mass-produced and generic products often dominate the market, Diesel cigars stand as a shining example of what can be achieved when passion, craftsmanship, and quality come together.

Additional information

Weight .013 kg
Dimensions 14 × 2 × 2 cm


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