Wildfire Cigar Company Artaois Toro


Wildfire Cigar Company’s Artaois Toro offers a well-balanced and complex smoking experience that caters to the discerning palate.



Artaois, a revered figure in myth and folklore, embodies nature, strength, and protection, symbolized by the bear. This deity offers guidance in courage, resilience, and harmony with nature, intervening in crises with might and wisdom.

Wildfire Cigar Company’s Artaois Toro is produced by the renowned Joya de Nicaragua. These cigars offer a well-balanced and complex smoking experience that caters to the discerning palate. At the heart of the Artaois lies a harmonious blend of premium tobaccos sourced from the Condega, Esteli, and Jalapa regions of Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan Habano Oscuro wrapper provides a rich and flavourful exterior, complemented by an Indonesian binder resulting in a sophisticated smoke that unfolds with every draw. This full-bodied cigar yields prominent hints of rich cinnamon spice that add a warm and inviting dimension to the overall experience. Pepper undertones contribute a subtle complexity, providing a satisfying contrast to the sweetness that lingers in the background. This cigar is a testament to the meticulous blending process and dedication to quality that Wildfire and Joya de Nicaragua bring to the table. Size: Toro 52 x 6 ¼. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.

  • Wrapper – Habano Nicaragua Oscuro
  • Binder – Indonesia
  • Filler – Nicaragua (Jalapa/Condega/Esteli)

About Wildfire Cigars

Wildfire Cigars have rapidly ascended the ranks in the world of premium cigars, capturing the attention of aficionados and newcomers alike with their distinctive blend and impeccable craftsmanship. Originating from the fertile soils of Nicaragua, these cigars are a harmonious marriage of tradition and innovation, embodying the rich heritage of cigar-making while incorporating modern techniques to deliver a truly exceptional smoking experience.

What sets Wildfire Cigars apart is their meticulous attention to detail at every stage of production. From the selection of high-quality tobaccos to the artful blending process, each cigar is a testament to the brand’s commitment to excellence. The tobaccos used in Wildfire Cigars are carefully sourced from the finest farms, ensuring that only the best leaves make their way into the final product. This dedication to quality is evident from the first draw to the last, with each puff offering a complex and nuanced flavor profile that evolves and unfolds with every moment.

In addition to their exceptional taste, Wildfire Cigars also boast impeccable construction. Each cigar is expertly rolled by skilled torcedores, resulting in a flawless burn and a sturdy ash that holds firm until the very end. The attention to detail extends to the packaging as well, with each cigar presented in elegant boxes adorned with the brand’s distinctive logo, making them not only a pleasure to smoke but also a delight to behold.

Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or a curious newcomer looking to explore the world of premium cigars, Wildfire Cigars offer an unforgettable journey for the senses. With their exceptional blend, impeccable construction, and commitment to quality, it’s no wonder that Wildfire Cigars have quickly become a favorite among discerning smokers around the globe.

The company’s philosophy is best captured by the following quotation: “Wildfire Cigars serves as a reminder that while it may seem like just a cigar, its significance stretches far beyond. It encapsulates the stories we tell, the moments we share, and the memories we forge – elements that shape us, enduring through time.

In essence, Wildfire Cigars embodies embracing living life to it’s fullest, and holding onto what truly matters. It acknowledges that while the leaves may burn out, our stories will live on.”

Additional information

Weight .018 kg
Dimensions 16 × 2.2 × 2.2 cm


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