Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios


The Cohiba Genios 5 Maduro is a delightfully textured cigar.

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The Cohiba Maduro 5 Genios was launched in 2007 and has become a favourite among cigar connoisseurs. Instantly recognizable due to the dark Maduro leaf wrapper, the Genios 5 Maduro is a delightfully textured cigar. The Genios is the most substantial of the Maduro 5 cigar line. The dark wrapper, specially aged for five years, brings a touch of sweetness to its medium to full blend. This cigar has a great personality for seasoned smokers. Medium-full bodied. Size: Robusto Extra 5 ½ x 52. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.

  • Wrapper: Cuba
  • Binder: Cuba
  • Filler: Cuba

About Cohiba Cuban Cigars

Cohiba Cuban cigars are synonymous with luxury, craftsmanship, and an unparalleled smoking experience. Renowned worldwide as the epitome of Cuban cigar excellence, Cohiba cigars have a storied history that dates back to the 1960s. Originally created exclusively for Fidel Castro and other high-ranking officials of the Cuban government, Cohiba cigars were not available to the public until the early 1980s.

What sets Cohiba cigars apart is the meticulous attention to detail and the use of only the finest tobacco leaves. Each cigar is handcrafted by highly skilled torcedores, or cigar rollers, who have spent years perfecting their art. The tobacco used in Cohiba cigars is sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region, known for producing some of the best tobacco in the world.

Cohiba cigars offer a complex and refined smoking experience. They are known for their rich flavors, ranging from earthy and leathery notes to hints of coffee, cocoa, and spice. The construction of Cohiba cigars is flawless, ensuring an even burn and a smooth draw. The aging process further enhances the flavors, allowing the tobacco to develop its full potential.

Due to their exceptional quality, Cohiba cigars have become a symbol of prestige and are highly sought after by cigar aficionados and collectors alike. Whether enjoyed on a special occasion or as a testament to indulgence, Cohiba Cuban cigars continue to captivate enthusiasts with their impeccable craftsmanship and extraordinary flavors, cementing their status as the pinnacle of cigar perfection.

About Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are renowned worldwide for their exceptional quality, rich flavours, and the artistry involved in their creation. Originating from the fertile soils and ideal climate of the Vuelta Abajo region in Cuba, these cigars have become synonymous with luxury and indulgence. Let’s delve into the captivating world of Cuban cigars and explore what makes them so special.

One of the key factors that sets Cuban cigars apart is the long-standing tradition and expertise of the Cuban tobacco industry. The cultivation of tobacco in Cuba dates back several centuries, and the knowledge and techniques passed down through generations have resulted in unparalleled craftsmanship. From the selection of the finest tobacco leaves to the skilled hands of master cigar rollers, every step in the cigar-making process is meticulously executed to create a work of art.

The heart of a Cuban cigar lies in its tobacco. The Vuelta Abajo region, located in the western part of Cuba, is known for its unique microclimate, characterized by rich soil, gentle breezes, and the perfect balance of sunshine and rainfall. These environmental conditions contribute to the growth of tobacco plants that yield leaves with exceptional flavors and aromas. The leaves are carefully harvested, cured, and aged to enhance their qualities, resulting in a complex and distinct taste profile.

The flavors of Cuban cigars are often described as earthy, spicy, and full-bodied. Each puff reveals layers of intricate flavors that evolve throughout the smoking experience. The carefully blended combination of different tobacco leaves, known as the filler, binder, and wrapper, contributes to the overall flavor profile. The wrapper, made from the topmost leaf of the tobacco plant, plays a significant role as it imparts character, texture, and an appealing aroma.

Beyond the flavor, Cuban cigars are also prized for their impeccable construction. Experienced torcedores, or cigar rollers, meticulously roll each cigar by hand, paying close attention to the density, shape, and draw. This level of craftsmanship ensures a smooth and even burn, allowing the flavors to unfold harmoniously. The time and dedication invested in crafting each cigar is evident in its flawless appearance and the satisfaction it brings to the connoisseur.

Cuban cigars have a rich cultural heritage and have been enjoyed by notable figures throughout history. From Winston Churchill to Fidel Castro, many iconic personalities have indulged in the pleasure of smoking these cigars. The allure of Cuban cigars extends beyond their taste; they represent a symbol of prestige, elegance, and sophistication.

However, it is important to note that due to trade restrictions and embargoes, Cuban cigars are not readily available in all parts of the world. The United States, for instance, has imposed a longstanding embargo on Cuban products. Nevertheless, their scarcity has only added to their mystique, making them highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts and collectors.

In conclusion, Cuban cigars are the epitome of excellence in the world of tobacco. From their origins in the Vuelta Abajo region to the skilled craftsmanship involved in their creation, every aspect of Cuban cigars embodies the passion and dedication of the people behind them. The flavors, construction, and cultural significance make these cigars truly exceptional. While their availability may be limited in some regions, the allure and reputation of Cuban cigars continue to captivate aficionados around the globe.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Box of 20, Single


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