The Laranja Azulejo Gordo is a medium-plus to full-bodied, full-flavoured cigar, with a nutty sungrown Sumatra wrapper. The Azulejo is paired with a Brazilian Arapiraca Binder and Nicaraguan fillers, which give it a rich tobacco flavour full of notes of cocoa and all-spice. Size: Gordo 6 × 60. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Sumatra
- Binder: Brazilian Arapiraca
- Filler: Nicaraguan
About Espinosa Cigars
Espinosa Cigars, founded by Erik Espinosa in 2012, has quickly garnered a reputation for crafting premium, innovative cigars that appeal to both traditionalists and modern aficionados. With roots in the rich, storied traditions of Cuban cigar-making, Espinosa Cigars prides itself on blending heritage with contemporary flair. The company’s manufacturing takes place in the renowned La Zona factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, a region celebrated for its fertile soil and ideal climate for tobacco cultivation. This location provides Espinosa Cigars with access to some of the finest tobacco leaves in the world, which are meticulously selected and aged to ensure exceptional quality and flavor.
Espinosa’s portfolio includes a diverse array of blends, each offering a unique smoking experience. The Espinosa Habano, for instance, features a rich, oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and a complex blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, delivering a full-bodied profile with notes of pepper, cedar, and coffee. Meanwhile, the Espinosa Crema offers a milder option, with a creamy Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper that provides a smooth, mellow smoke with hints of sweetness and nutty undertones. In addition to its core lines, Espinosa Cigars has earned acclaim for its limited edition and special release cigars, such as the Laranja Reserva, which showcases a Brazilian Laranja wrapper that imparts distinctive citrus notes, setting it apart from more conventional blends. Espinosa’s commitment to innovation is evident in their collaborations with other industry leaders, resulting in unique, sought-after releases that often become instant classics.
Beyond the cigars themselves, Espinosa Cigars is known for its vibrant branding and strong community presence, engaging directly with consumers through social media, events, and their popular La Zona Palooza festival. This combination of high-quality products, creative vision, and dedication to the cigar community has firmly established Espinosa Cigars as a dynamic force in the world of premium cigars.
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