The Heritage is a medium-bodied cigar full of robust flavours, hand rolled in Nicaragua. This cigar was blended by Gurkha at American Caribbean Cigars in Nicaragua with the input of their in-house blender and VP of Sales, Juan Lopez. The flavourful blend has rich coffee and dark chocolate tones with a subtle and well-balanced spice present throughout. “We’re proud to release a fantastic medium to full-bodied blend in the Heritage Cigar.” says Kaizad Hansotia, President and CEO of Gurkha Cigar Group, Inc. Size: 5 x 55.
- Wrapper: Ecuadorian Habano
- Binder: Nicaraguan
- Filler: Dominican, US, Nicaraguan
- Country of origin: Nicaragua
About Gurkha Cigars
In 1989, K. Hansotia decided to resurrect a cigar brand rich in tradition and steeped in legend and history. Gurkha Cigars were created more than a century ago and were known for their meticulously and artisanally handcrafted cigars. The timing was perfect; Hansotia revived the brand, there was no way he could have known that the cigar industry was about to experience a boom and he would have the perfect product to attract the new cigar consumer. In realizing that there were no super premium cigars, he created premium cigars with a level of elegance that cigars have become known for. In reviving Gurkha, Hansotia created cigars that were a luxury and an indulgence.
For many, Gurkha Cigars are seen as a status symbol and are synonymous with sumptuousness and exclusivity. However, a beautifully handcrafted and aromatic cigar can be enjoyed by anyone and embodies the pleasure and enjoyment of all good things found in life. For centuries, cigars have been associated with enjoyment and a celebratory lifestyle. Smoking a cigar is nothing short of a memorable experience. Experience Gurkha.
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