Macanudo Inspirado Variety Pack Toro Cigars


Try Five of the Macanudo Inspirado lines from the medium-bodied Inspirado White to the full-bodied Inspirado Black.

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Macanudo has taken the industry by storm with their Inspirado line. The Macanudo Inspirado Toro Variety Cigar Sampler includes five Inspirado cigars from Macanudo’s popular Inspirado line, and each is drawn from a different recipe of premium tobaccos. The Macanudo 5 Star Sampler offers one of each of their Inspirado lines ranging in strength from the mellow to medium-bodied Inspirado White to the full-bodied Inspirado Black, each with their own unique flavor profile notes. Taste the evolution of an iconic brand in a collection that includes Ecuador Connecticut, Ecuador Habano, Connecticut Broadleaf, Honduran, and Brazilian wrappers in a complex assortment of Toros ranging from creamy and mellow Macanudo classics to spicier, sweeter, and earthier cigars. Now is your chance to experience all the Inspirado lines have to offer. You are sure to find a favorite!

Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging. Also, in the Variety Pack the Canadian names on the bands differ from the names used by Macanudo in the United States. To help you when you are smoking the cigars from the variety pack, here is the chart detailing the different names for each of the five cigars:

Cigar Name in USA Cigar Name in Canada
Black Broadleaf
Green Brazil
Orange Honduras
Red Nicaragua
White Ecuador

Sampler includes one of each of the following:

Macanudo Inspirado Black Toro (Broadleaf) – the unique aging technique that makes Inspirado Black so exceptional is rooted in great history and heritage. It all lies in the Connecticut Broadleaf binder, which underwent special cultural practices native to the region in which it was grown. In doing so, the leaves on the tobacco stalk were left to ripen longer than ever before, resulting in the rich, medium smoke with notes of mocha and spice you experience today. Inspirado Black is a modern interpretation of timeless knowledge and experience, and the proof is evident in each and every puff. Size: 5.5 x 54

Macanudo Inspirado Green Toro 91-rated (Brazil) – Smoking Inspirado Green yields a unique experience uncommon in premium cigars. It all starts with amazing flavors in the Brazilian Arapiraca wrapper, a rare tobacco that delivers an exceptionally smooth and velvety essence. When combined with the almost equally as rare Colombian Carmen Cubito and Dominican Piloto Cubano filler tobaccos, the result is a cigar loaded with flavors of earthy sweetness and black pepper. Size: 6 x 50

Macanudo Inspirado Orange Toro 92-rated (Honduras) – This Cigar Aficionado Top 25 rated cigar started as a European exclusive in 2014. Since then, Inspirado Orange has earned countless awards and solidified its spot as a humidor must-have worldwide. Handcrafted in Honduras featuring tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic, Inspirado Orange delivers a creamy smoke with subtle spice in this medium-bodied blend that provides a balance of sophistication and approachability uncommon in the premium cigar category. Size: 6 x 50

Macanudo Inspirado Red Toro (Nicaragua) – To understand what makes Inspirado Red great, is to understand how much environment plays a key role in developing exceptional tobaccos. Born from rich volcanic soil and boasting spicy and full-bodied notes, the Ecuadorian Habano Ligero provides intense notes of dark fruit and black pepper. But the story doesn’t stop there. Bound with Nicaraguan Jalapa wrapper are three incredible filler tobaccos, made even more flavorful by their extensive age. Aged twelve, ten and five years respectively, the Nicaraguan Ometepe, Honduran Jamastran, Nicaraguan Jamastran bunch provides a refined juxtaposition to the bold spices of the wrapper, resulting in a cigar lacking neither in intensity nor sophistication. Size: 6 x 50

Macanudo Inspirado White Toro (Ecuador) – Inspirado White is a masterclass in subtle expertise. Beautiful and mellow, yet complex and flavorful. Creamy, with hints of spice. This award-winning blend results from over 50 years of excellence driving evolution in all of the best ways. Adorned with a golden Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper aged for six years, Inspirado White offers approachability without sacrificing excitement in a consistent blend that never fails to impress. Size: 6.5 x 50

About Macanudo Cigars

Macanudo cigars have long been synonymous with elegance, quality, and sophistication, making them one of the most recognized and beloved cigar brands in the world. Originating in Jamaica and now produced in the Dominican Republic, Macanudo offers a wide range of cigars that cater to both seasoned aficionados and beginners alike. From their iconic smoothness to their consistent craftsmanship, the brand has earned its place as a go-to cigar for many smokers.

The Origins of Macanudo

Macanudo was originally a Jamaican brand introduced in 1968 by General Cigar Company, but its history dates back even further. The name “Macanudo” was initially associated with a line of cigars introduced by the Cuban brand Punch in the late 19th century. It wasn’t until the 1970s, under the guidance of master blender Ramón Cifuentes, that Macanudo evolved into a stand-alone premium cigar brand. Cifuentes, a legendary figure in the cigar industry, is also credited with blending the famous Partagas cigars. Under his leadership, Macanudo embraced the use of Dominican tobaccos while maintaining a mild profile, which appealed to a broad range of smokers.

The company eventually relocated its production from Jamaica to the Dominican Republic in the early 2000s, where it continues to thrive. The fertile soils of the Dominican Republic, combined with the expertise of local cigar artisans, ensured that Macanudo cigars retained their signature smoothness and consistency despite the change in geography.

What Sets Macanudo Apart?

One of the defining features of Macanudo cigars is their mild to medium-bodied profile. Unlike many cigars that emphasize bold, overpowering flavours, Macanudo cigars are known for their subtlety and smoothness. This makes them an excellent choice for those who prefer a more nuanced smoking experience or are new to cigars. However, this doesn’t mean that Macanudo cigars are lacking in flavour. Their well-balanced blends offer rich undertones of nuts, cream, and spices, making them complex enough to satisfy even experienced smokers.

Macanudo cigars are crafted with a Connecticut shade-grown wrapper, one of the finest and most delicate types of wrappers in the industry. The leaves are grown under special shade tents that mimic natural forest conditions, producing a lighter, smoother leaf. This is complemented by a carefully curated blend of Dominican fillers and a binder from Mexico’s San Andrés Valley, renowned for its rich, flavourful tobacco. Together, these elements create a cigar that is both creamy and rich without being too strong or harsh.

Popular Macanudo Lines

Macanudo offers a diverse range of cigars, with some of the most popular lines being the Macanudo Café, Macanudo Maduro, and Macanudo Inspirado series. Macanudo Café is the brand’s flagship cigar, often the first choice for those new to the Macanudo line. It’s known for its mild and smooth profile, featuring hints of almonds, fresh bread, and light spice. The Connecticut shade wrapper plays a big role in delivering its creamy texture and soft finish. Macanudo Maduro is best for smokers who prefer a richer, slightly more robust cigar because the Maduro line offers a deep, complex flavour profile. The Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper gives this cigar its dark, oily appearance and imparts notes of cocoa, molasses, and earth. Lastly, Macanudo Inspirado, introduced in 2014, is aimed at more adventurous smokers seeking bolder flavours. With a range of offerings, including the Inspirado Orange, White, and Black, these cigars use a variety of tobaccos from countries like Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ecuador, resulting in a more intense smoking experience.

Macanudo cigars represent the pinnacle of craftsmanship, tradition, and attention to detail. Whether you’re enjoying the mild and creamy Macanudo Café or the richer, fuller-bodied Macanudo Maduro, you’re guaranteed a high-quality smoking experience. With their commitment to excellence and a wide range of offerings, Macanudo continues to be a top choice for cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur or just beginning your journey into the world of cigars, Macanudo offers something special for everyone.

Additional information

Weight .105 kg
Dimensions 17 × 10.5 × 2.5 cm


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