Light up the Matilde Serena Maduro Robusto and get transported to the countryside of Jarabacoa. Its flavours are complex and balanced, hitting every inch of your palate. Sweetness is present along the journey, combined with rich flavours ranging from mocha coffee to dried fruits and toast. It exudes aromas reminiscent of earth, tobacco aging barns and leather. Medium Strength. Size: Robusto 5 1/4 x 50. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Wrapper: San Andrés Mexico
- Binder: Dominican Republic
- Filler: Nicaragua and Dominican Republic
About Matilde Cigars: A Legacy of Craftsmanship and Passion
Matilde Cigars, a name that resonates deeply within the premium cigar industry, represents a tradition of excellence, dedication, and craftsmanship. Known for its rich history and distinctive blends, Matilde has established itself as a key player among boutique cigar brands, offering a smoking experience that appeals to both seasoned aficionados and new enthusiasts alike.
Origins of Matilde Cigars
The story of Matilde Cigars begins in the Dominican Republic, where cigar-making is not just a profession but an art form passed down through generations. The brand was revived in 2014 by José Seijas, a master blender with over 40 years of experience in the cigar industry. Seijas, who had previously worked as the vice president of Tabacalera de García, one of the world’s largest cigar factories, retired briefly before returning to the industry with a vision to create cigars under his own brand, Matilde.
The roots of Matilde, however, trace back much further. Originally founded in 1876, the Matilde brand had long been dormant before Seijas brought it back to life. His expertise, combined with the historical significance of the name, gave the brand an immediate boost among cigar enthusiasts who value legacy and tradition. Matilde’s revival wasn’t just about reintroducing an old brand; it was about creating something fresh and new while honoring the past.
A Commitment to Craftsmanship
One of the hallmarks of Matilde Cigars is its commitment to craftsmanship. Every cigar is meticulously crafted in the Dominican Republic, using only the finest aged tobaccos from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Ecuador. The brand focuses on creating balanced, flavorful cigars that showcase complexity and depth, appealing to a wide range of palates.
Each Matilde cigar goes through a rigorous process of quality control to ensure consistency and excellence. The cigars are hand-rolled by highly skilled artisans, many of whom have decades of experience. Seijas himself is deeply involved in the blending process, ensuring that every cigar embodies the perfect harmony of flavor, strength, and aroma.
Matilde Cigars’ Core Lines
Matilde Cigars has several core lines, each offering a unique smoking experience. The flagship line, Matilde Renacer, translates to “rebirth,” symbolizing the brand’s revival. This medium-bodied cigar features a rich blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, offering notes of cocoa, coffee, and sweet spice. It has been praised for its smooth draw and balanced flavor profile, making it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.
Another popular offering is the **Matilde Oscura**, which is known for its fuller-bodied profile. This blend uses a San Andrés Mexican wrapper with fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, delivering flavors of dark chocolate, earth, and pepper. The Oscura is a bold, complex cigar designed for smokers who appreciate strength and intensity.
The **Matilde Quadrata** is another standout in the brand’s portfolio, featuring a box-pressed shape and an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. This cigar is medium to full-bodied, with a combination of cedar, nut, and spice flavors that evolve as you smoke. It offers a rich, smooth experience, demonstrating Matilde’s ability to produce complex cigars with a refined finish.
The Future of Matilde Cigars
Matilde Cigars has garnered respect within the industry for its commitment to quality and tradition, as well as for its innovative blends. José Seijas and his family continue to lead the company, focusing on producing cigars that honor the brand’s historical roots while pushing the boundaries of modern cigar-making.
As the premium cigar market grows, Matilde is positioned to remain a key player, providing smokers with a rich, flavorful experience that is steeped in history and dedication to the craft. For those seeking a premium, handcrafted cigar that combines legacy with modern innovation, Matilde stands out as a brand worth exploring.
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