Tabacos Baez-Serie SF, where SF stands for Short-Filler also known as “Cuban-Sandwich”, is the first Short-Filler brand created by My Father Cigars as a house brand. It is a Medium-Bodied blend perfectly balanced and finished with an oily Habano-Nicaraguan wrapper that provides the cigar with a touch of coffee notes. They are packaged in a Cabinet Box style that holds 20 cigars. The vivid green of the box with gold accents provides a truly distinctive presentation. Size: Toro 6 x 50. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Wrapper – Nicaragua Habano
- Binder – Nicaragua
- Filler – Nicaragua
Handcrafted in Nicaragua
About My Father Cigars
My Father Cigars is a name that resonates with cigar aficionados worldwide, known for its exceptional craftsmanship, complex flavour profiles, and deep-rooted traditions. Founded in 2008 by Don José “Pepin” Garcia, the brand has quickly become a powerhouse in the premium cigar industry. However, the story of My Father Cigars goes back much further, deeply intertwined with the personal history of the Garcia family and their unwavering commitment to the art of cigar making.
The Roots of a Master
Don Pepin Garcia was born in Cuba, a country with a rich tobacco history. He started working with tobacco at the age of 11 in Cuba’s cigar factories, where he learned the intricate art of cigar rolling. Over decades, he honed his skills and became a master blender, respected for his ability to create full-bodied cigars with rich and layered flavours. By the time he left Cuba in the early 2000s, Pepin was widely regarded as one of the finest cigar artisans in the world.
After settling in the United States, Pepin founded El Rey de Los Habanos, his first cigar company, in Miami’s Little Havana in 2002. It quickly gained attention for its high-quality cigars, but it was the founding of My Father Cigars in 2008 that catapulted the Garcia family into the limelight.
The Birth of My Father Cigars
The name “My Father Cigars” carries a deep personal meaning, as it was chosen by Don Pepin’s son, Jaime Garcia, to honor his father’s legacy. Jaime, also a skilled blender, works alongside Pepin to create some of the world’s most celebrated cigars. Together, they have upheld the Garcia family’s tradition of excellence, blending old-world techniques with modern innovation.
The company operates out of Estelí, Nicaragua, where they grow their own tobacco on family-owned farms. This vertical integration allows the Garcias to maintain control over the entire production process, from seed to cigar, ensuring consistency and superior quality in every product they make. The Nicaraguan terroir, known for its fertile volcanic soils, imparts unique flavours to the tobacco, adding to the depth and richness of My Father cigars.
Renowned Blends and Accolades
One of the most iconic cigars in their portfolio is the My Father Le Bijou 1922, a cigar created by Jaime in tribute to his father, with “Le Bijou” meaning “the jewel” in French, and 1922 marking Pepin’s birth year. This cigar is a full-bodied masterpiece, wrapped in a dark Ecuadorian Habano Oscuro leaf, offering a complex profile of earthy, peppery, and sweet notes. It was named Cigar of the Year by Cigar Aficionado Magazone in 2015, a testament to the family’s dedication to quality.
Another standout is the Flor de Las Antillas, a milder, medium-bodied blend that also received high acclaim, winning the prestigious title of *Cigar of the Year* in 2012. With its creamy texture, notes of cocoa, nutmeg, and white pepper, it exemplifies the Garcia family’s ability to create cigars that cater to a wide range of tastes while maintaining their signature depth of flavour.
The Legacy Continues
The success of My Father Cigars is a result of the Garcias’ passion, skill, and attention to detail. They have built a brand that reflects their heritage, from the rich Cuban traditions to the innovations they have brought to Nicaraguan tobacco. Today, the company remains family-run, with Jaime Garcia continuing to innovate while maintaining the legacy his father built.
For cigar lovers, My Father Cigars represents not just a product, but a story—one of dedication, artistry, and the deep bond between a father and his son. This legacy, combined with a relentless pursuit of excellence, ensures that My Father Cigars will remain a cornerstone of the premium cigar world for generations to come.
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