The Partagas Maduro No. 1 Cigar has undergone a long fermentation process – giving it the distinctive dark and oily appearance. This Cuban cigar measures at 5 1/8″ by a ring gauge of 52 and provides every cigar aficionado with an hour of pure smoking pleasure.
Besides it’s strong and powerful flavours, which is typical of the Partagas cigars – it delivers a range of earthy notes. As a true maduro cigar, it’s flavour is strong, peppery and will pair perfectly with a whiskey or bourbon. 5.125″ x 52 RG. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
- Filler: Cuba
- Binder: Cuba
- Wrapper: Cuba
About Partagás Cigars
Partagás is one of the most iconic names in the world of cigars, synonymous with rich history, exceptional craftsmanship, and unparalleled flavor. Founded in the heart of Havana, Cuba, Partagás has been producing premium cigars for over 175 years, consistently delivering a bold, complex smoking experience that cigar aficionados around the globe have come to cherish. With its signature earthy, peppery notes and robust construction, Partagás remains a pillar of Cuban cigar heritage.
The Birth of a Legacy
Partagás was established in 1845 by Don Jaime Partagás y Ravelo, a pioneering cigar maker who sought to create cigars that captured the essence of Cuba’s finest tobacco. He chose the prime location of Calle Industria in Havana, where the Partagás factory still stands today, operating under the name “Real Fábrica de Tabacos Partagás.” From its inception, Partagás set out to use only the best tobacco from the Vuelta Abajo region, located in the famed Pinar del Río province. This area is known for its rich soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco, making it home to some of the world’s most prized leaves.
Don Jaime was not just a cigar maker; he was an innovator. He was one of the first cigar producers to experiment with different fermentation processes to bring out the tobacco’s full flavor potential. His pioneering spirit allowed Partagás cigars to stand out among the many brands of the time, quickly gaining a reputation for their bold flavors, impeccable construction, and the attention to detail in every leaf.
The Signature Partagás Experience
What truly sets Partagás cigars apart is their deep, rich flavor profile. These cigars are renowned for their earthy and spicy character, often described as full-bodied with complex layers of flavor. Smokers can expect notes of black pepper, cedar, leather, and even hints of sweetness, which blend harmoniously to create a balanced yet powerful smoking experience.
The construction of Partagás cigars is also a key aspect of their enduring appeal. The cigars are rolled with precision by highly skilled torcedores (cigar rollers), many of whom have decades of experience. The firm draw, perfect burn, and consistent flavor of Partagás cigars are a testament to the craftsmanship and expertise that goes into each stick.
The Partagás Factory: A Historic Landmark
The Partagás factory in Havana is not only a hub of cigar production but also a historic landmark that has become a symbol of Cuban tobacco culture. Built in the mid-1800s, the factory is a beautiful example of colonial architecture, but what happens inside its walls is even more impressive. The factory employs some of the finest torcedores in the world, each responsible for crafting cigars with precision and care.
Visitors to the factory can observe the entire process of cigar production, from the selection of leaves to the final packaging. It’s a place where tradition and craftsmanship are preserved and where the dedication to producing the finest cigars remains as strong as ever.
Partagás’ Most Famous Vitolas
Among Partagás’ many offerings, several vitolas (cigar sizes and shapes) have achieved legendary status. One of the most well-known is the **Partagás Serie D No. 4**, a robusto-sized cigar that has become a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. It is known for its full-bodied strength, rich flavor, and perfect balance of spice and sweetness. The Serie D No. 4 exemplifies the quintessential Partagás smoking experience and is often regarded as one of the best Cuban cigars available.
Another popular choice is the **Partagás Lusitanias**, a double corona that offers a long, luxurious smoking experience. With its complex flavors and elegant construction, the Lusitanias is often reserved for special occasions or when smokers want to savor a truly exceptional cigar.
For those looking for something on the smaller side, the **Partagás Shorts** are a perfect option. These small cigars pack all the boldness and complexity of a full-sized Partagás but in a compact, 30-minute smoke, making them ideal for a quick yet satisfying break.
A Resilient Brand in Changing Times
The Partagás brand, like many Cuban cigars, has faced challenges over the years due to political and economic shifts. Following the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the cigar industry was nationalized, and Partagás, along with other Cuban cigar brands, came under government control. Despite these changes, the quality and reputation of Partagás have remained intact. Even today, the brand continues to produce cigars that maintain the same attention to detail and commitment to quality that Don Jaime Partagás envisioned nearly two centuries ago.
Conclusion: A Timeless Cuban Treasure
Partagás cigars are much more than just cigars; they are a piece of Cuban history and a symbol of excellence in tobacco craftsmanship. For over 175 years, the brand has embodied the richness of Cuban tobacco, delivering a robust and refined smoking experience to cigar lovers worldwide. Whether enjoying the spicy complexity of the Serie D No. 4 or the luxurious draw of a Lusitanias, a Partagás cigar offers a journey into the heart of Havana’s cigar tradition, a legacy that continues to thrive in the modern era.
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