Handcrafted with aged tobaccos and rolled fresh, the Reposado 96 Estate Blend Connecticut Robusto cigar hails from Nicaragua, made from rich, Cuban-seed tobaccos. Reposado Estate Connecticut handmade cigars are mild to medium-bodied, crafted in the Cuban-sandwich style with an all-Dominican tobacco blend that consistently delivers a clean finish on the palate, in addition to a great, rich flavour. They burn slowly and cool, starting out mild and building to a medium-bodied smoking experience.
Each cigar is carefully rolled to deliver a complexity with ample flavor. Expect a creamy bouquet with notes of coffee that complement the rich tobacco core perfectly. While a long, somewhat sweet aftertaste finishes each puff. A mellow smoke you’ll love. Size: 5 x 50. Note: these are now shipping in plain packaging.
Mikhail Brel (verified owner) –
Bought pack of 10. They came dry and impossible to smoke.